You agree not to run/host the following content on our services:
You agree to pay for the services you purchase from SwiftSlots. All invoices are generated 14 days before the payment is due. Failure to make the payment in time will result in suspension and finally termination of your service. Late payments are subjected to $10 late fee. We reserve the right to terminate your service at any point after the invoice is overdue and we will not be responsible for any data loss due to termination.
SwiftSlots currently accepts payments via PayPal, Bitcoin, PerfectMoney, Payza & WebMoney. If any dispute is raised via the payment processor, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate all of your services with us.
SwiftSlots offers a seven day money back guarantee on it's shared hosting, reseller hosting and VPS services. However, refunds are not provided on licenses and when there is a violation of our terms of service.
If the client creates a subscription to pay for their service(s), the client is responsible for cancelling that subscription when they no longer want to hold the service with us.
Backups are not guaranteed. It would be the responsibility of the client to backup their data regularly. If there is any data loss due to any mishap, SwiftSlots would not be held responsible for the same. Clients are responsible for their own data.
All orders processed via our billing portal are passed through automatic fraud check. All of our services are setup instantly upon receipt of payment. We manually review each order before accepting it, if our fraud check system determines your order as dangerous, we may require submission of a government issued ID and address proof to allow use of our services. Failure to comply in timely manner may resut in suspension and/or termination.
Each client may only hold one account with us. If you want to hold additional accounts, you must open a ticket prior ordering.
SwiftSlots would not tolerate abuse of resources such as CPU, I/O, network or in any other manner of any of it's services. If we notice abuse of resources, we reserve the right to suspend your service with or without prior notice.
SwiftSlots reserves the right to change the price of it's service(s) without any prior notice to it's clients.
You acknowledge and agree that SwiftSlots exercises no control and accepts no responsibility for the content passing through it's host computers and it's network. Neither SwiftSlots, it's employees, agents, suppliers, merchants, licensors would make warranty of any kind such that the services of SwiftSlots would not be interrupted or would be error free.
SwiftSlots reserves the right to cancel, suspend or terminate any service with or without a refund, notice or warning
SwiftSlots would not tolerate abuse of it's node's resources in any manner. We would not tolerate abuse of resources such as CPU, I/O, network or in any other manner. Our unmetered Linux VPS plans are subjected to 10 TB FUP.
SwiftSlots reserves the right to change their terms of service anytime without any prior notice.
If you have any questions regarding our terms of service, feel free to contact us anytime!